Kommission Kartographie & Forschung


CartoHack #01 - Weather Data from the German Weather Service (DWD)

Sebastian Meier
2020-09-22, as part of the virtual EuroCarto 2020

CartoHack #01

The interactive notebook used in the CartoHack is available here.

This first CartoHack is exploring weather data from the Germany Weather Service (DWD). From getting access, downloading, through processing, down to the visualisation of the data using (Python + Jupyter Notebooks. As a use case for weather data Sebastian will also introduce the project “Gieß den Kiez” by CityLAB Berlin. The source code for the tutorial, as well as the code for “Gieß den Kiez” is open source, so if the talk gets you excited about weather data, feel free to dive deeper into the topic using the code examples.